Vismay Patel

Java Developer

Website and Application Developer

Does this website look bland? Don't worry! I am using the skills I learned to create a new one by April of 2023. IB is keeping me busy. This website was testament to my skills circa Feb 2022, to see current skills, go to TSY!

Bootstrap Themes

Hi! My name is Vismay!

I am a Junior in the International Baccalaureate Program at Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington. I am a programmer proficient in Java, Python, HTML/CSS and various other languages. I build custom computers and through Tech Savvy Youth, I have donated computers to students who don't have access to them. I have participated in many programming and robotics competitions such as the NWESSP Apollo ANGELeS, ROADS on Mars, and ROADS on Asteroids Challenges. My hobbies include programming video games, creating videos for my YouTube Channel, gaming with friends, flying planes, and shooting rockets!



Introduction to Programming using Java Certification from Microsoft

Windows Operating System Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Software Development Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Introduction to Programming using HTML and CSS Certification from Microsoft

HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Introduction to Programming using Python Certification from Microsoft

Security Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Azure Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Database Fundamentals Certification from Microsoft

Adobe Certified Professional in Digital Video Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Certified Professional in Video Design

Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design Using Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Certified Professional in Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design


Tech Savvy Youth Website

Website Live!
Check it out now!

Interlake Aviation Club Website

Website Live!
Check it out now!

Interlake Cricket Club Website

Website NO LONGER Live!
Contact to see Website

Wildlin Farm Website

Website Live
Development Stopped

Ladybug Freight Website

Website Live
Check the Website!

Adventure Game Project

Still in Development
NO ETA on Release

Typing Test

Check the Application